© Gerhard Kassner (Monotype)

Christoph Niemann: 2015 neue Likes

Es ist der letzte Vortrag des Abends, der letzte der TYPO 2015. Christoph Niemann betritt die Bühne, geschmeidig und gut gelaunt: „To round things off, I’d like to tell you what I think of character.“ Er spricht über Ängste und Erfolg, Kritik und Kreation – und Gummibärchen.

© Gerhard Kassner (Monotype)

Grcic, Kries, Spiekermann: Haltung und Charakter – die DNA des Designs

„Haltung und Charakter – die DNA des Designs”, so lautet der Titel der Diskussionsrunde zwischen Möbeldesigner Konstantin Grcic, Vitra Museums Direktor Mateo Kries und Gestalter und Typograph Erik Spiekermann . Doch eigentlich ging es dann doch vor allem um Haltung: Welche Haltung darf ich als Gestalter haben? Welche sollte ich haben? Und, wie bewahre ich die Balance zwischen meiner Haltung und den Zielen des Auftraggebers?


Gemma O’Brien: Death to inspirational quotes

The designer, illustrator and letterer Gemma O’Brien who is based in Australia, but travels around the world a lot, gives us an inside into her work for the second time on the TYPO Berlin stage. She is the creator of “For the Love of Type” and splits her time between client work, speaking at conferences and creating wonderful handwritten art und murals.

Typo Berlin 2015 "Character"

Jon Burgerman: Encourage the ferret

The artist and illustrator Jon Burgerman enjoys “happy accidents”: Things that occur with no pre-warning, and demand you to come up with quick and delightful solutions. In his talk, he guides us through his light-hearted, funny world of doodled characters and everyday-observations.

Typo Berlin 2015 "Character"

Tina Roth Eisenberg: The best way to complain is to make things.

My job is “sitting behind a computer and laugh.” Tina Roth Eisenberg, also known as ‘swissmiss’, explains her principles how to live a happy and fulfilled work and personal life – filled with confetti, good people and the intent, to make things better. Her talk is a mix of advise from the heart, case studies and great stories of how she became an equally happy and successful person.


Gerrit Noordzij

Gerrit Noordzij – legendärer Typograf, Schriftgestalter, Lehrer und Autor. Wer kennt seinen Namen nicht in der Typografie-Welt? Zwischen 1960er bis 1990er Jahren lehrte er an der königlichen Akademie von der bildenden Künste in Den Haag. Sein Buch »The Stroke« ist weltbekannt und immer noch beliebt. Seine Theorie der Schrift ist die Wurzel der heutigen Typografie.


6 questions to … David Carson

He is one of the most influential and at the same time one of the most controversial designers of our time – David Carson. He impressed a whole generation of graphic designers, his talks are well remembered … And of course, his answers on our little Q&A are also unique … short and to the point! We are looking foward to TYPO Berlin where he’ll serve us one hour of cool graphic design, surf images and things we have never seen before!


Victor Moscoso, Poster Legend, Interviewed by Norman Hathaway

Victor Moscoso was the first of the psychedelic rock poster artists of the 1960’s era with formal academic training. Norman Hathaway interviewed Victor on his life and work. Victor’s introduction to the art world was through animated cartoons at a movie-house when he was growing up in Spain. Victor recalled the magic of moving color. Then through comic books, he learned to draw through copying, as well as to read.

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