

Wie in den vergangenen fünf TYPO-Jahren auch haben wir in den letzen Wochen intensiv an der Doku-DVD gearbeitet. Gestern wurden die Masterdisk auf Herz und Nieren geprüft und ans Presswerk geschickt. Morgen früh gehts dann los.

Daniel Gjøde

The Daily Eckardt: Daniel Gjøde

Daniel Gjøde: DJ and founder of Denmark’s largest community for electronic music, Motion Graphics designer at TV 2 Denmark, founder and creative director at Stupid Studio, guest lecturer at Danish Design Schools, Member of the advisory board at The Danish School of Media and Journalism.

Hartmut Bohnacker

The Daily Eckardt: Erik Kessels

Erik Kessels was born 1966 in Roermond, Netherlands and is the Creative Director and co-founder of the Amsterdam advertising agency KesselsKramer, where he is in charge of such international accounts as Diesel, Oxfam or Ben. Following the principle that any medium, as long as it is relevant to an idea, is a potential for communication for a brand and its products or services, KesselsKramer’s portfolio ranges from ‘classical’ advertising to publishing and documentary film.


The Daily Eckardt: Hartmut Bohnacker

Hartmut Bohnacker was born in 1972 in the state of Baden Württemberg. He abandoned his math studies to pursue a business degree. After completing that, he studied communications design at the Design College in Schwäbisch Gmünd. He has been working as a freelance designer in Stuttgart since 2002. The focus of his activities is concept, design and prototype implementation for interface and interactive development projects. He has been teaching digital media since the end of 2002 and since 2009, has been a professor of interactive design at the Schwäbisch Gmünd design college. In 2009, his book “Generative Gestaltung” (Generative Design, written with Benedikt Gross, Julia Laub and Claudius Lazzeroni) was published by Hermann Schmidt, Mainz.

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