Gerrit Noordzij

Gerrit Noordzij – legendärer Typograf, Schriftgestalter, Lehrer und Autor. Wer kennt seinen Namen nicht in der Typografie-Welt? Zwischen 1960er bis 1990er Jahren lehrte er an der königlichen Akademie von der bildenden Künste in Den Haag. Sein Buch »The Stroke« ist weltbekannt und immer noch beliebt. Seine Theorie der Schrift ist die Wurzel der heutigen Typografie.

Foto © Sebastian Weiß[/caption]

Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen wurde hierfür ein Video-Inteview bei ihm aufgenommen und auf der TYPO gezeigt. Seine Antworten waren teilweise kritisch, ironisch und provokativ. Nach Video folgte eine Diskussion mit ehemaligen Studenten (Erik und Petr van Bockland, Albert-Jan Pool). Das Video wird bald mit dem englischen Untertitel veröffentlich – unbedingt anschauen!

かの欧文タイポグラフィー界の伝説的タイポグラファー・書体デザイナー・教授・著作家,ゲリット・ノールツァイ(Gerrit Noordzij).現在のタイポグラファーで彼の名を知らないものがいるのだろうか.現在のタイポグラフィー界で彼の影響下にないものなどあり得ない.デンハーグの王立アカデミータイプアンドメディアで1960年代から1990年代まで教えていた彼の理論は,今日世界中に散らばる有名なタイポグラファーたちのRootsであるといっても過言ではない.今回のタイポベルリンのテーマRootsという言葉がよく当てはまる人選である.

Gerrit Noordzij

Gerrit Noordzij

Gerrit Noordzij is a Dutch typedesign lecturer, typographer and author. His theories and writing practices are what underpin the Den Haag talent factory Type & Media at the Royal Academy of Art. Font designers from all over the world come here, where Noordzij taught from 1960 to 1990, to ultimately refine their technique. (Photo: Tânia Raposo)
Erik van Blokland

Erik van Blokland

Type Designer, Programmer (The Hague)

Erik van Blokland is Co-Developer of  robofab and UFO. He works as Type Designer and programmer and he teaches at Type & Media at the KABK in The Hague.
Petr van Blokland

Petr van Blokland

After VWO/Atheneum-school (pre-university education, grammarschool) Petr van Blokland (1956) studied at the Graphic and Typographic Design Department of the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in The Hague. In 1979 he graduated cum laude (with distiction) and worked as an intern at Total Design in Amsterdam and Studio Dumbar in The Hague. From 1980 until today he was designer and partner in Buro Petr van Blokland + Claudia Mens in Delft. To specialize himself he studied for serveral years at the TU-Delft department Industrial Design. From 1984 until 1989 he taught at the Academy for Visual Arts in Arnhem. Recently he continued his study at the Technical University in Delft on Industrial Design and Artificial Intelligence to apply for a Master Degree. Since 1988 he is a teacher at the Master Type & Media of the KABK in The Hague and AKV St. Joost Graphic Design Bachelor and Master in Breda. The studio Buro Petr van Blokland + Claudia Mens is specialized in the design of type, solving complex typographic problems and the design of interiors and environments. As part of these projects other aspects of the profession are attended: writing software as design tools and development for digital media belong to the basic toolkit of the studio. The buro is built upon the knowledge and experience of a network of designers, who are capable to exploit these skills in the design proces. Both the design process and the development of the required (digital) tools are highly integrated.

Albert-Jan Pool

Albert-Jan Pool was born in Amsterdam in 1960, and studied Graphic Design and Typography at KABK in The Hague. He has lived and worked in Hamburg since 1987, first with Scangraphic and URW, later self-employed. He was a co-owner of FarbTon design agency for some time. But being a typographer is what Pool loves best: FF OCR-F, FF DIN, JET, Freenet, C&A, HEM, and other fonts. He has been teaching type design at the Muthesius School of Art in Kiel since 1995.
ビデオ講演の後にはユルゲン・ジーベルト(Jürgen Siebert) の司会進行でノールツァイの元生徒であるアルバート・ジャン・プール(Albert-Jan Pool),ペトル・ファン・ブロックランド(Petr van Blokland) エリック・ファン・ブロックランド(Erik van Blokland)らを中心に当時を振り返る.彼らの一致した意見として,当時あまり何を言っているか理解してなかったという意見にまとまったが,正しくこの講演ビデオを見終わったあとの感想にふさわしい意見であった.


Text: Toshiya Izumo

Foto © Sebastian Weiß