Eike König: From HORT to HEART

Eike König preferred to introduce himself with a colourful media-music show rather than with words. After being run over by an avalanche of his work (all within one minute), he started talking about the actual subject, without showing any more of his projects.
He defined himself as a mix of his empathic mum and his focused, structured dad. They encouraged him to feel responsible to what he does. As a child he was fascinated by political info graphics in magazines. Finding out that graphic designers are creating such powerfully imagery, he decided to become one himself. Another influential part of his work is music.

After working as an art director at a record company, he decided to set up his own studio in 1994, named HORT (HORT in German means kindergarten, and reflects his playful approach towards graphic design). He set up some basic rules for himself: have fun, get paid, don’t work with assholes… Emphasising the social aspect of his work he points out that he rather trusts in relationships than in money. Working on his own for a while, being very successful, he was missing the exchange of thoughts. That’s when his studio stared growing to a group of individuals. In his team it’s important to respect and trust each other. There is no wrong and no right.

After initiating a series of workshops with kids and students he came to the conclusion that a tutor now should not judge but motivate, mentor, respect and support the upcoming generation. Following these principles his ‘After School Club’ became very popular among students and became an experimental platform of exchange that is held every year.


Eike König

Graphic Designer, Owner of Hort (Berlin)

Hort emerged from the Frankfurt techno scene in 1994, originally founded by Eike König as "Eikes grafischer Hort". The studio moved to Berlin in 2007 and has been growing as a group ever since. Hort does art direction, branding, creative consultancy, editorial design, graphic design, illustration, lectures and workshops. Hort works with institutions such as Arte, Bauhaus Dessau, Bergen Assembly, Mousonturm, Frankfurter Positionen and Tanzplattform Deutschland, as well as brands like Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, Nike, The New York Times and Universal Music. People working at Hort are Anne Büttner, Eike König, Elizabeth Legate, Tim Rehm, Tim Schmitt, Tim Sürken and Alan Woo, together with other freelancers and interns. Photo: Cat Garcia

His most recent project is the HORT BAND which experiments with sound, shape and colour. The band can be seen as Eike’s creative and playful freedom. We are very curious where this will lead to.

By Julia and Sandra / Graphic Birdwatching